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Easygard Mobile Amtgard

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Easygard Mobile Amtgard

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Classes Made Easy

Classes have levels. Each level unlocks new Traits, Abilities, or Magic you can use. Your level in a class is determined by the number of times you have played that class before. See ‘Credits and Levels’ for more information.

Except for Traits, all Abilities and Magic require an Incantation in order to be activated. That’s just a short audible sentence that announces to everybody what is going on

All classes also have a list of weapons and armor they can use regardless of level. Available equipment, along with any additional restrictions or limitations, is listed in the class description

Classes are grouped into two broad categories:

  • Magic-Users: Bard, Druid, Healer, and Wizard
  • Fighting Classes: Anti-Paladin, Archer, Assassin, Barbarian, Monk, Paladin, Scout, and Warrior

Magic-users have access to a broad array of magic, which is listed along with their class description. Fighting classes have fewer, but more focused, abilities to go along with their expanded equipment availability. Abilities for fighting classes are listed like this: Name [Uses] ([Category]) ([Notes])

Name: The name of the Ability

Uses: How often the Ability can be used. Possible options are:

  • Unlimited: This Ability may be used any number of times
  • ‘X’/life: This Ability may be used X number of times each life. Each time you respawn you have a fresh set of these ‘per life’ Abilities
  • ‘X’/Refresh: This Ability may be used X number of times per Refresh. You start the game with a full set of these ‘per refresh’ Abilities, but they are only refilled when a Reeve announces a Refresh
  • Charge: May be used in conjunction with per life or per refresh, or on its own. Charge Abilities can be used any number of times, but must be Charged after the initial uses are expended. See the definition of Charge under the section ‘Magic, Abilities, States, and Special Effects Defined’ for a full explanation of how Charge works
  • Not listed: This Ability isn’t an activated Ability

Category: What kind of Ability it is. Possible options are:

  • (T): for Trait: This is an always-on self-only Ability which cannot be removed in any way and never requires an Incantation of any sort to start and does not require an Enchantment Strip or count towards the bearer’s Enchantment limit
  • (ex): for Extraordinary: This Ability is not magical in nature. It could represent poison from a vial or using a piece of twine to fix a broken arrow. An Ability listed as (ex) which is defined as being an Enchantment in its Ability definition generally behaves as an Enchantment but does not count towards the limit of Enchantments that may be worn by a player. See the definition of Enchantment under the section ‘Magic, Abilities, States, and Special Effects Defined’ for more information
  • (m): for Magical: This Ability is magical in nature. If the Definition of this Ability lists it as an Enchantment then it follows all the rules for Enchantments and counts towards the limit of Enchantments that may be worn by a player

Notes: Anything non-standard about the Ability. Typical examples might be Ambulant or Persistent

Easygard Mobile Amtgard

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Class Levels

If you wish to fight or participate in a battlegame, you must conform to one class for each game. A person may advance in level in a class after having the requisite credits and passing a class test administered by your class Guildmaster. Only one attendance credit may be given on a single day, although Kingdoms may award bonus credits according to their corpora. You must play the class you wish to gain credit in. If no class is played but fighting takes place, you may take a Warrior credit. Players who reeve may take a Reeve Credit, and players who otherwise participate may take a Color Credit Kingdoms are allowed to award a maximum of 12 total bonus credits (credits above and beyond attendance credits) to any player in a single month and no more than 3 bonus credits may be issued per 1 attendance credit. All classes gain new abilities and levels at the following rate:

Level Credit Requirements
1st Less than 5 credits in that class
2nd At least 5 and less than 12 credits in that class
3rd At least 12 and less than 21 credits in that class
4th At least 21 and less than 34 credits in that class
5th At least 34 and less than 53 credits in that class
6th 53 or more credits in that class

Easygard Mobile Amtgard

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Assassin - Melee

Garb: Black sash and medieval/sword and sorcery looking garb
Look The Part: Poison (self-only) 1/Life (ex)
Armor: 2 Points
Shields: None
Weapons: Dagger, Short, Long, Light Throwing, Heavy Throwing, Bow

Abilities by Level

Level Name Uses Cat Notes
1 Shadow Step 2/Life (ex) Ambulant
1 Assassinate Unlimited (ex) Ambulant
2 Pick one:
Poison (self only) 1/Life Charge x3 (ex)
Poison Arrow - 2 Arrows Unlimited (ex)
3 Blink 2/Life (ex) Ambulant
4 Hold Person 1/Life (magical) -
5 Teleport (self only) 2/Life (ex) -
6 Coup de Grace 1/Life (magical) -

Easygard Mobile Amtgard

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Garb: Gold sash and medieval/sword and sorcery looking garb. Knights may wear a white belt and a white phoenix Class Symbol instead
Look The Part: Awe 1/Life (m)
Requirements: Must be 6th level in at least one class
Armor: 4 Points
Shields: Large
Weapons: All Melee, Javelins

Abilities by Level

Level Name Uses Cat Notes
1 Immune to Command - Trait -
1 Immune to Death - Trait -
1 Cancel Unlimited Magical -
2 Greater Heal 1/Life Chg x3 Magical -
3 Extend Immunities 1/Ref Chg x5 (ex) -
4 Greater Resurrect 1/Life Magical -
5 Awe 1/Life Magical -
6 Protection From Magic (self/touch: others) 2/Refresh Magical -

Easygard Mobile Amtgard

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Garb: Silver sash and medieval/sword and sorcery looking garb. Knights may wear a white belt and a black phoenix Class Symbol instead
Look The Part: Terror 1/Life (m)
Requirements: Must be 6th level in at least one class
Armor: 4 Points
Shields: Large
Weapons: All Melee, Javelins

Abilities by Level

Level Name Uses Cat Notes
1 Immune to Command - Trait -
1 Immune to Flame - Trait -
1 Cancel Unlimited Magical -
2 Poison (self only) 1/Life Chg x3 (ex) -
3 Steal Life Essence 1/Life Chg x5 Magical -
4 Brutal Strike 1/Life Chg x10 (ex) Ambulant
5 Terror 1/Life Magical -
6 Flame Blade (self-only) 2/Refresh (ex) -

Easygard Mobile Amtgard

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Warrior - Melee

Garb: Purple sash and medieval/sword and sorcery looking garb
Look The Part: Insult 1/Life (m)(ambulant)
Armor: 6 Points
Shields: Large
Weapons: All Melee, Javelins

Abilities by Level

Level Name Uses Cat Notes
1 Scavenge Unlimited (ex) -
2 Harden (self only) 1/Life (ex) -
3 True Grit 2/Ref (ex) -
4 Insult 1/Life Magical Ambulant
5 Shake it off 1/Ref Chg x3 (ex) -
6 Ancestral Armor (self-only) 3/Refresh (ex) Swift

Easygard Mobile Amtgard

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Scout - Melee

Garb: Green sash and medieval/sword and sorcery looking garb
Look The Part: Heal 1/Life (ex)
Armor: 3 Points
Shields: Small
Weapons: Dagger, Short, Long, Heavy Thrown

Abilities by Level

Level Name Uses Cat Notes
1 Tracking 2/Life Chg x3 (ex) Ambulant
1 Cancel Unlimited Magical -
1 May use a Bow so long as a shield is not wielded - - -
2 Heal 1/Life (ex) -
2 Release 1/Life Chg x3 (ex) -
3 Shadow Step 1/Life (ex) -
3 Dispel Magic 1/Ref Chg x5 (ex) -
4 Evolution - Trait -
5 Hold Person 1/Life Magical -
6 Adaptive Protection (self-only) 1/Life (ex) -

Easygard Mobile Amtgard

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Monk - Melee

Garb: Grey sash and medieval/sword and sorcery looking garb
Look The Part: Heal 1/Life (ex)
Armor: None
Shields: None
Weapons: All Melee, Heavy Thrown

Abilities by Level

Level Name Uses Cat Notes
1 Enlightened Soul (self only) - Trait -
1 Missle Block - Trait -
2 Banish 1/Life Chg x5 (ex) -
3 Sanctuary 1/Life Chg x5 (ex) Ambulant
4 Heal 1/Life Chg x3 (ex) -
5 Resurrect 1/Refresh Chg x5 Magical -
6 Magic Ball Block - Trait -

Easygard Mobile Amtgard

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Barbarian - Melee

Garb: White sash and medieval/sword and sorcery looking garb
Look The Part: Fight After Death 1/Ref (ex)(ambulant)
Armor: 3 Points
Shields: Medium
Weapons: All Melee, Javelins, Rocks
Limitations: May not receive Enchantments from other classes

Abilities by Level

Level Name Uses Cat Notes
1 Immune to Subdual - Trait -
1 Immune to Command - Trait -
1 Berserk - Trait -
2 Fight After Death 1/Ref (ex) Ambulant
3 Adrenaline Unlimited (ex) -
4 Fight After Death 1/Ref (ex) Ambulant
5 Brutal Strike 1/Life Chg x3 (ex) Ambulant
6 Blood and Thunder Unlimited (ex) -

Easygard Mobile Amtgard

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Archer - Melee

Garb: Orange sash and medieval/sword and sorcery looking garb
Look The Part: Pick One Ability: Destruction Arrow, Poison Arrow, Pinning Arrow; Unlimited (ex)
Armor: 2 Points
Shields: None
Weapons: Dagger, Short, Bow
Reminder: All Specialty Arrow Incantations are treated as Ambulant but do not require the statement of "Ambulant" before their incantation

Abilities by Level

Level Name Uses Cat Notes
1 Reload 1/Ref Chg x3 (ex) -
1 Pick two:
Destruction Arrow
Pinning Arrow
Poison Arrow
Unlimited (ex) One Arrow
2 Mend 1/Life Chg x5 (ex) -
3 Pick two:
Destruction Arrow
Pinning Arrow
Poison Arrow
Unlimited (ex) One Arrow
4 Suppression Arrow Unlimited (ex) One Arrow
5 Pick two:
Destruction Arrow
Pinning Arrow
Poison Arrow
Unlimited (ex) One Arrow
6 Phase Arrow Unlimited (ex) One Arrow
6 Optional: Sniper - (ex) -

Easygard Mobile Amtgard

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Healer - Magic User

Garb: Red sash and medieval/sword and sorcery looking garb
Look The Part: 1 extra point of magic at the Healers highest level
Armor: None
Shields: None
Weapons: Dagger
Magic-user: Healers may purchase five points of magic from each level. Unused points from higher levels can be rolled down to lower levels. A list of all magic purchased must be carried at all times.

1st Level Spells

Name Cost Max Freq Type School Range
Banish 1 - 1/Life Verbal Spirit 20
Blessing Against Wounds 1 - 1/Life Enchantment Protection Touch: Others
Cancel 0 1 Unlimited Neutral Neutral Touch
Shield Small 2 1 - Neutral Neutral -
Weapon Short 3 2 - Neutral Neutral -
Experienced 2 2 - Neutral Neutral -
Harden 1 - 1/Ref Enchantment Protection Touch: Others
Heal 1 1 Unlimited Verbal Spirit Touch
Release 1 - 2/Life Chg x3 Verbal Sorcery Touch

2nd Level Spells

Name Cost Max Freq Type School Range
Adaptive Blessing 1 - 1/Life Enchantment Protection Touch: Others
Entangle 1 4 2 Balls/Unlimited Ball Subdual Ball
Weapon Hinged 3 1 - Neutral Neutral -
Greater Release 1 - 1/Ref Verbal Sorcery 20
Hold Person 1 - 1/Life Chg x3 Verbal Command 20
Innate 2 2 1/Life Meta-Magic Neutral -
Sever Spirit 1 - 1/Life Chg x3 Verbal Spirit 20
Shove 1 - 1/Life Verbal Sorcery 20
Summon Dead 1 - 1/Life Chg x3 Verbal Spirit 50

3rd Level Spells

Name Cost Max Freq Type School Range
Adaptive Protection 1 - 1/Ref Enchantment Protection Touch: Others
Astral Intervention 1 - 1/Life Chg x3 Verbal Command 20
Shield Medium 2 1 - Neutral Neutral -
Extension 1 2 1/Life Meta-Magic Neutral -
Greater Harden 1 - 1/Ref Enchantment Protection Touch: Others
Iceball 1 2 2 Balls Unlimited Ball Subdual Ball
Mend 1 - 1/Life Verbal Sorcery Touch
Resurrect 1 - 1/Ref Chg x5 Verbal Spirit Touch
Undead Minion 1 - 1/Ref Enchantment Death Touch: Others

4th Level Spells

Name Cost Max Freq Type School Range
Blessing Against Harm 1 - 1/Ref Enchantment Protection Touch: Others
Circle of Protection 1 1 1/Ref Chg x10 Enchantment Protection Self
Greater Heal 1 - 1/Life Verbal Spirit Touch
Imbue Shield 1 2 2/Ref Enchantment Protection Touch: Others
Protection from Projectiles 1 - 1/Ref Enchantment Protection Touch: Others
Swift 1 2 1/Life Meta-Magic Neutral -
Teleport 1 2 1/Life Verbal Sorcery Touch

5th Level Spells

Name Cost Max Freq Type School Range
Abeyance 1 2 1 Ball Unlimited Ball Subdual Ball
Ambulant 1 - 1/Ref Meta-Magic Neutral -
Blessed Aura 1 - 1/Ref Enchantment Protection Touch: Others
Dispel Magic 1 - 1/Ref Verbal Sorcery 20
Enlightened Soul 1 - 1/Ref Enchantment Protection Touch: Others
Greater Resurrect 1 - 1/Ref Verbal Spirit Touch
Greater Undead Minion 2 - 1/Ref Enchantment Death Touch: Others
Steal Life Essence 1 2 1/Life Verbal Death Touch

6th Level Spells

Name Cost Max Freq Type School Range
Ancestral Armor 1 - 1/Ref Enchantment Protection Touch: Others
Mass Healing 1 1 1/Ref Enchantment Spirit Self
Necromancer 1 1 - Archetype Neutral -
Persistent 1 - 1/Life Meta-Magic Neutral -
Phoenix Tears 1 - 1/Ref Enchantment Spirit Touch: Others
Priest 1 1 - Archetype Neutral -
Protection from Magic 1 - 1/Ref Enchantment Protection Touch: Others
Stun 1 4 1/Ref Verbal Sorcery 20
Warder 2 1 - Archetype Neutral -

Easygard Mobile Amtgard

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Druid - Magic User

Garb: Brown sash and medieval/sword and sorcery looking garb
Look The Part: 1 extra point of magic at the Druids highest level
Armor: None
Shields: None
Weapons: Dagger
Magic-user: Druids may purchase five points of magic from each level. Unused points from higher levels can be rolled down to lower levels. A list of all magic purchased must be carried at all times.

1st Level Spells

Name Cost Max Freq Type School Range
Barkskin 1 2 1/Ref Enchantment Protection Touch: Others
Cancel 0 1 Unlimited Neutral Neutral Touch
Entangle 1 2 2 Balls/Unlimited Ball Subdual Ball
Weapon Short 2 2 - Neutral Neutral -
Experienced 2 2 - Neutral Neutral -
Heat Weapon 1 - 1/Life Chg x3 Verbal Flame 20
Imbue Armor 1 - 1/Ref Enchantment Protection Touch: Others
Mend 1 - 1/Life Verbal Sorcery Touch

2nd Level Spells

Name Cost Max Freq Type School Range
Shield Small 4 1 - Neutral Neutral -
Corrosive Mist 1 1 1/Ref Enchantment Death Self/Touch
Gift of Earth 1 2 1/Ref Enchantment Protection Touch: Others
Heal 1 - 1/Life Verbal Spirit Touch
Iceball 1 2 2 Balls/Unlimited Ball Subdual Ball
Innate 1 4 1/Ref Meta-Magic Neutral -
Poison 1 - 1/Life Enchantment Death Touch: Others
Release 1 - 1/Life Verbal Sorcery Touch
Stoneform 1 - 1/Ref Chg x3 Verbal Protection Self

3rd Level Spells

Name Cost Max Freq Type School Range
Attuned 1 2 1/Ref Enchantment Sorcery Touch: Others
Bear Strength 1 - 1/Ref Enchantment Sorcery Touch: Others
Dispel Magic 1 - 1/Ref Verbal Sorcery 20
Extension 1 2 1/Life Meta-Magic Neutral -
Gift of Fire 1 2 1/Ref Enchantment Flame Touch: Others
Greater Mend 1 - 1/Ref Verbal Sorcery Touch
Icy Blast 1 2 1/Life Verbal Sorcery 20
Regeneration 1 - 1/Ref Enchantment Spirit Touch: Others
Stoneskin 1 2 1/Ref Enchantment Protection Touch: Others

4th Level Spells

Name Cost Max Freq Type School Range
Weapon Long 4 1 - Neutral Neutral -
Flame Blade 2 2 1/Ref Enchantment Flame Touch: Others
Force Bolt 1 2 2 Balls/Unlimited Ball Sorcery Ball
Gift of Water 1 2 1/Ref Enchantment Sorcery Touch: Others
Golem 1 - 1/Ref Enchantment Sorcery Touch: Others
Lycanthropy 1 2 1/Ref Enchantment Death Touch: Others
Swift 1 2 1/Life Meta-Magic Neutral -
Teleport 1 2 1/Life Verbal Sorcery Touch

5th Level Spells

Name Cost Max Freq Type School Range
Ambulant 1 2 1/Life Meta-Magic Neutral -
Weapon Great 5 1 - Neutral Neutral -
Essence Graft 1 - 1/Ref Enchantment Sorcery Touch: Others
Gift of Air 1 2 1/Ref Enchantment Protection Touch: Others
Heart of the Swarm 1 2 1/Ref Enchantment Spirit Self
Ironskin 1 2 1/Ref Enchantment Protection Touch: Others
Poison Glands 1 2 1/Ref Enchantment Death Touch: Others
Resurrect 2 - 1/Ref Verbal Spirit Touch
Troll Blood 1 2 1/Ref Enchantment Protection Touch: Others

6th Level Spells

Name Cost Max Freq Type School Range
Avatar of Nature 1 1 - Archetype Neutral -
Call Lightning 1 - 1/Ref Verbal Flame 20
Imbue Weapon 1 - 1/Ref Enchantment Death Touch: Others
Naturalize Magic 1 2 1/Ref Enchantment Sorcery Self
Ranger 2 1 - Archetype Neutral -
Snaring Vines 1 1 1/Ref Enchantment Command Self
Summoner 2 1 - Archetype Neutral -
Word of Mending 1 - 1/Ref Verbal Sorcery Touch

Easygard Mobile Amtgard

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Bard - Magic User

Garb: Light blue sash and medieval/sword and sorcery looking garb
Look The Part: 1 extra point of magic at the Bards highest level
Armor: None
Shields: None
Weapons: Dagger
Magic-user: Bards may purchase five points of magic from each level. Unused points from higher levels can be rolled down to lower levels. A list of all magic purchased must be carried at all times.

1st Level Spells

Name Cost Max Freq Type School Range
Cancel 0 1 Unlimited Neutral Neutral Touch
Confidence 1 - 1/Ref Chg x5 Verbal Sorcery Touch
Weapon Short 2 2 - Neutral Neutral -
Experienced 2 2 - Neutral Neutral -
Insult 1 - 1/Life Verbal Command 20
Release 1 - 1/Life Verbal Sorcery Touch
Shove 1 - 1/Life Verbal Sorcery 20
Song of Determination 1 1 Unlimited Enchantment Protection Self

2nd Level Spells

Name Cost Max Freq Type School Range
Empower 1 - 2/Ref Verbal Sorcery Touch:Others
Armor 1 Point 4 1 - Neutral Neutral -
Greater Release 1 - 1/Ref Verbal Sorcery 20
Innate 1 4 1/Ref Meta-Magic Neutral -
Mend 1 - 1/Life Verbal Sorcery Touch
Song of Battle 1 1 Unlimited Enchantment Protection Self
Song of Visit 1 1 Unlimited Enchantment Protection Self

3rd Level Spells

Name Cost Max Freq Type School Range
Awe 1 - 1/Life Verbal Command 20
Battlefield Triage 1 1 1/Ref Enchantment Spirit Self/Touch: Others
Break Concentration 1 - 1/Refresh Verbal Command 20
Extension 1 2 1/Life Meta-Magic Neutral -
Shield Small 2 1 - Neutral Neutral -
Song of Freedom 1 1 Unlimited Enchantment Protection Self

4th Level Spells

Name Cost Max Freq Type School Range
Amplification 1 - 1/Refr Verbal Sorcery Touch:Others
Long Weapon 3 1 - Neutral Neutral -
Restoration 1 - 1/Ref Verbal Sorcery Touch:Others
Sleight of Mind 1 - 1/Ref Enchantment Sorcery Touch:Others
Song of Deflection 1 1 Unlimited Enchantment Protection Self
Song of Power 1 1 Unlimited Enchantment Protection Self
Suppress Aura 1 - 1/Ref Verbal Command 50
Swift 1 2 1/Life Meta-Magic Neutral -
Terror 1 - 1/Ref Verbal Death 20

5th Level Spells

Name Cost Max Freq Type School Range
Agoraphobia 1 - 1/Ref Verbal Command 20
Ambulant 1 2 1/Life Meta-Magic Neutral -
Discordia 1 1 1/Refresh Enchantment Command Self
Shield Medium 3 1 - Neutral Neutral -
Heart of the Swarm 1 - 1/Refresh Enchantment Spirit Self
Lost 1 - 1/Life Verbal Command 20
Song of Survival 1 1 Unlimited Enchantment Protection Self

6st Level Spells

Name Cost Max Freq Type School Range
Combat Caster 2 1 - Archetype Neutral -
Dervish 2 1 - Archetype Neutral -
Armor 1 Point 2 1 - Neutral Neutral -
Legend 1 1 - Archetype Neutral Self
Silver Tongue 1 - 1/Ref Enchantment Sorcery Self/Touch
Song of Interference 1 1 1/Ref Chg x5 Enchantment Protection Self
Stun 1 - 1/Ref Verbal Sorcery 20

Easygard Mobile Amtgard

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Wizard - Magic User

Garb: Yellow sash and medieval/sword and sorcery looking garb
Look The Part: 1 extra point of magic at the Wizards highest level
Armor: None
Shields: None
Weapons: Dagger
Magic-user: Wizards may purchase five points of magic from each level. Unused points from higher levels can be rolled down to lower levels. A list of all magic purchased must be carried at all times.

1st Level Spells

Name Cost Max Freq Type School Range
Banish 1 - 1/Life Verbal Spirit 20
Cancel 0 1 Unlimited Neutral Neutral Touch
Weapon Short 2 1 - Neutral Neutral -
Experienced 2 2 - Neutral Neutral -
Force Barrier 1 - 1/Life Verbal Sorcery Self
Force Bolt 1 4 3 Balls/Unlimited Ball Sorcery Ball
Heat Weapon 1 - 1/Life Verbal Flame 20
Mend 1 - 1/Life Verbal Sorcery Touch
Shove 1 - 1/Life Chg x3 Verbal Sorcery 20

2nd Level Spells

Name Cost Max Freq Type School Range
Astral Intervention 1 - 1/Life Verbal Command 20
Break Concentration 1 - 1/Life Verbal Command 20
Entangle 1 3 2 Balls Unlimited Ball Subdual Ball
Innate 1 - 1/Ref Meta-Magic Neutral -
Planar Grounding 1 - 1/Ref Verbal Sorcery 20
Release 1 - 1/Life Verbal Sorcery Touch
Suppression Bolt 1 3 1 Ball Unlimited Ball Subdual Ball
Teleport 1 2 1/Life Verbal Sorcery Touch

3rd Level Spells

Name Cost Max Freq Type School Range
Dispel Magic 1 - 1/Ref Chg x3 Verbal Sorcery 20
Dragged Below 1 - 1/Ref Verbal Death 20
Extension 1 2 1/Life Meta-Magic Neutral -
Greater Mend 1 - 1/Ref Verbal Sorcery Touch
Hold Person 1 - 1/Life Verbal Command 20
Iceball 1 3 2 Balls Unlimited Ball Subdual Ball
Lightning Bolt 1 4 1 Ball Unlimited Ball Flame Ball
Ravage 1 - 2/Life Verbal Death 20
Shatter Weapon 1 - 1/Ref Verbal Sorcery 20
Throw 1 - 1/Ref Verbal Sorcery 20

4th Level Spells

Name Cost Max Freq Type School Range
Destroy Armor 1 - 2/Ref Verbal Death 20
Dimensional Rift 1 - 1/Ref Verbal Sorcery 20
Fireball 1 4 1 Ball Unlimited Ball Flame Ball
Icy Blast 1 - 1/Ref Verbal Sorcery 20
Shatter 1 - 1/Ref Verbal Sorcery 20
Suppress Aura 1 - 1/Ref Verbal Command 50
Swift 1 2 1/Life Meta-Magic Neutral -
Vampirism 1 - 1/Ref Enchantment Death Touch: Others
Wounding 1 - 1/Ref Chg x3 Verbal Death 20

5th Level Spells

Name Cost Max Freq Type School Range
Ambulant 1 2 1/Life Meta-Magic Neutral -
Contagion 1 - 1/Ref Enchantment Death Touch: Others
Long Weapon 4 1 - Neutral Neutral -
Phase Bolt 1 4 1 Ball Unlimited Ball Sorcery Ball
Pyrotechnics 1 2 1/Ref Verbal Flame 50
Steal Life Essence 1 2 1/Life Verbal Death Touch
Void Touched 1 2 1/Ref Enchantment Sorcery Touch: Others
Ward Self 1 2 1/Ref Enchantment Protection Self

6th Level Spells

Name Cost Max Freq Type School Range
Battlemage 2 1 - Archetype Neutral -
Elemental Barrage 1 2 1/Ref Verbal Sorcery Self
Evoker 2 1 - Archetype Neutral -
Finger of Death 1 - 1/Ref Verbal Death 20
Persistent 2 - 1/Ref Meta-Magic Neutral -
Protection from Magic 1 - 1/Ref Enchantment Protection Touch: Others
Sphere of Annihilation 2 1 1 Ball Unlimited Ball Sorcery Ball
Warlock 2 1 - Archetype Neutral -
Word of Mending 1 - 1/Ref Verbal Sorcery Touch