Easygard Mobile Amtgard

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Gift of Air

Druid 5

Type: Enchantment
School: Protection
Range: Other
Incant: "I grant thee a gift of the air" x3
Materials: White Strip
Effect: The effects of a melee weapon or projectile which just struck the bearer are ignored, instead the bearer announces “Gift of Air” and becomes Insubstantial. If the bearer is wearing armor it is affected as normal in addition to triggering Gift of Air. Bearer may choose to return directly to their base immediately after Gift of Air activates. Melee weapons with the Armor Breaking, Armor Destroying, Shield Crushing, or Shield Destroying Special Effects will affect the bearer as normal and do not trigger Gift of Air.
Limitations: Bearer may not wield weapons or shields
Notes: Bearer may end the Insubstantial state caused by Gift of Air at any time with the standard Incantation

Easygard Mobile Amtgard

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Gift of Earth

Druid 2

Type: Enchantment
School: Protection
Range: Other
Incant: "I grant thee a gift of the earth" x3
Materials: White Strip
Effect: Bearer gains one point of magic armor and is affected as per Harden.

Easygard Mobile Amtgard

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Gift of Fire

Druid 3

Type: Enchantment
School: Flame
Range: Other
Incant: "I grant thee a gift of the fire" x3
Materials: Red Strip and White Strip
Effect: Bearer is Immune to Flame and gains Heat Weapon 1/Refresh Charge x3

Easygard Mobile Amtgard

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Gift of Water

Druid 4

Type: Enchantment
School: Sorcery
Range: Other
Incant: "I grant thee a gift of the water" x3
Materials: White Strip and Yellow Strip
Effect: Bearer gains one point of magic armor and Heal (self- only) unlimited (m)

Easygard Mobile Amtgard

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Druid 4

Type: Enchantment
School: Sorcery
Range: Other
Incant: "From earth and clay I form thee" x3
Materials: White Strip and Red Strip
Effect: Bearer is Immune to Death. Bearer is Cursed. Bearer can remove a Wound via Mend. Bearer may use the caster as an alternate respawn point while the caster is alive. Bearer may treat the caster as a base for the purposes of the effects which require the teammate to go to their base. Non-magical armor worn affected as per Imbue Armor. All Enchantments worn by the Bearer, including Golem, are Persistent while Golem is worn
Limitations: A caster may only have a single Golem Enchantment active at a time
Notes: Greater Mend and Word of Mending will not remove a wound

Easygard Mobile Amtgard

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Greater Harden

Healer 3 Warrior 6

Type: Enchantment
School: Protection
Range: Other
Incant: "I enchant thee with Greater Harden" x3
Materials: White Strip
Effect: Shields and weapons wielded by the player are affected as per Harden. May only be cast on a player

Easygard Mobile Amtgard

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Greater Heal

Healer 4 Paladin 2

Type: Verbal
School: Spirit
Range: Touch
Incant: "By the grace of the divine thou art healed" x5
Effect: All wounds are healed. Ignores the Cursed State

Easygard Mobile Amtgard

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Greater Mend

Archer 6 Druid 3 Wizard 3

Type: Verbal
School: Sorcery
Range: Touch
Incant: "Return this [object name] to its former glory" x5
Effect: Will repair a destroyed or damaged item or restore all armor points in one location

Easygard Mobile Amtgard

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Greater Release

Bard 2 Healer 2

Type: Verbal
School: Sorcery
Range: 20'
Incant: "From all thine afflictions thou art released" x2
Effect: All ongoing effects and States are removed from the target. The caster may choose to leave some States or effects in place
Notes: Greater Release may target Dead players. When used to end a State or Ongoing Effect imposed by a magic or ability with multiple effects, all other States and Ongoing Effects from the same source are also ended

Easygard Mobile Amtgard

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Greater Resurrect

Healer 5 Paladin 4

Type: Verbal
School: Spirit
Range: Touch
Incant: "By the grace of the divine thou art resurrected" x5
Effect: Target Dead player who has not moved more than 5' from where they died is returned to life. Enchantments on the player are retained. Any wounds on the player are healed. Works regardless of any States on the target, and removes Cursed if present.

Easygard Mobile Amtgard

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Paladin 6

Type: Archetype
School: Neutral
Effect: Gain Imbue Shield (Touch) 1/Life (m) and Martyr 2/Life Charge x3 (ex).
Limitations: Lose all instances of Protection from Magic and Extend Immunities. May only have one instance of Imbue Shield active at a time.