Easygard Mobile Amtgard

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Healer 6 Wizard 6

Type: Meta-Magic
School: Neutral
Incant: "Persistent"
Effect: Enchantment returns with the user after respawning until it has been otherwise removed
Notes: Persistent enchantments with limited uses (Mass Healing, Corrosive Mist, etc.) will retain the number of uses they had remaining. Persistent Magic Armor behaves like normal armor: it will be repaired upon Respawning or retain any prior damage if the bearer is returned to life by some other method, such as Resurrect

Easygard Mobile Amtgard

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Phase Arrow

Archer 6

Type: Specialty Arrow
School: Sorcery
Incant: "Phase Arrow"
Materials: Arrow with grey cover labeled ‘Phase’
Effect: This arrow does not interact with ongoing Magic or Abilities. Example: This arrow is not stopped by Stoneskin, Protection from Projectiles, and does not trigger the effects of Troll Blood, Undead Minion, Missile Block, or similar Magic or Abilities
Notes: This arrow does not supercede the Frozen, Insubstantial, or Invulnerable States

Easygard Mobile Amtgard

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Phase Bolt

Wizard 5

Type: Magic Ball
School: Sorcery
Incant: "The power of sorcery is mine to evoke" x3
Materials: Grey Magic Ball
Effect: This Magic Ball does not interact with other ongoing Magic or Abilities. Example: This Magic Ball is not stopped by Stoneskin, Protection from Projectiles, and does not trigger the effects of Troll Blood, Undead Minion, Missile Block, or similar Magic or Abilities. Will have one of the following effects:
1. A weapon hit is destroyed
2. Armor hit with Armor Points remaining is subject to Armor Breaking
3. A player hit receives a Wound in that hit location
Notes: Does not supercede the Frozen, Insubstantial, or Invulnerable States

Easygard Mobile Amtgard

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Phoenix Tears

Healer 6 Warrior 6

Type: Enchantment
School: Spirit
Range: Other
Incant: "May the tears of the phoenix wash over thee" x3
Materials: Two White Strips
Effect: Enchanted player does not die as normal. When the player would otherwise die they instead remove a strip and become Frozen for 30 seconds. When the Frozen State is ended the bearer has:
1. All Wounds removed
2. All States removed that are removed by Death or Respawning
3. All ongoing effects with a timer are expired
4. All of their carried or worn equipment is fully repaired
5. All other enchantments, except those which are Persistent, are removed
Additionally Phoenix Tears allows you to wear an extra Enchantment from the Protection School. This extra enchantment is considered Persistent as long as Phoenix Tears is present. The additional Enchantment is not removed once Phoenix Tears is removed
Notes: Phoenix Tears is removed when the last strip is removed

Easygard Mobile Amtgard

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Pinning Arrow

Archer 1 Scout 5

Type: Specialty Arrow
School: Sorcery
Incant: "Pinning Arrow"
Materials: Arrow with yellow head cover labeled ‘Pinning’
Effect: A player struck by this arrow is Stopped for 30 seconds. Engulfing

Easygard Mobile Amtgard

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Planar Grounding

Wizard 2

Type: Verbal
School: Sorcery
Range: 20'
Incant: "My power closes the aether to you" x3
Effect: Target player has their Insubstantial State removed and may not become Insubstantial for 30 seconds. May be cast on players who are not currently Insubstantial
Notes: Planar Grounding causes Enchantments that automatically render their bearer Insubstantial, such as Undead Minion, to fail and be removed if they activate while Planar Grounding is in effect

Easygard Mobile Amtgard

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Anti-Paladin 2 Assassin 1 Druid 2

Type: Enchantment
School: Death
Range: Other
Incant: "I coat these weapons with a deadly poison" x 2
Materials: Red Strip
Effect: The next Wound dealt by the bearer in melee is Wounds Kill
Notes: If the target does not actually receive a Wound, e.g. by a Resistance, Poison is not expended.

Easygard Mobile Amtgard

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Poison Arrow

Archer 1 Assassin 2

Type: Specialty Arrow
School: Death
Incant: "Poison Arrow"
Materials: Arrow with green head cover labeled ‘Poison’
Effect: This arrow is Wounds Kill

Easygard Mobile Amtgard

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Poison Glands

Druid 5

Type: Enchantment
School: Death
Range: Other
Incant: "Thou shalt secrete poison from thy venemous glands" x3
Materials: Red Strip
Effect: Bearer gains self-only Poison (ex) 1/Refresh Charge x3

Easygard Mobile Amtgard

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Archer 6

Type: Vebal
School: Sorcery
Incant: Precision
Effect: Caster may instantly Charge a Specialty Arrow.
Limitations: Kill Trigger

Easygard Mobile Amtgard

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Healer 6

Type: Archetype
School: Neutral
Effect: Meta-magic may only be used on Spirit magics. All Meta-Magics purchased become 1/Life Charge x3. Heal costs zero points

Easygard Mobile Amtgard

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Protection from Magic

Healer 6 Paladin 6 Wizard 6

Type: Enchantment
School: Protection
Range: Other (Paladin: Touch)
Incant: "I enchant thee with protection from magic" x3
Materials: White Strip
Effect: Bearer is unaffected by magic from any school. Upon death the player is Cursed
Notes: This effect does not interact with other Enchantments worn by the bearer.

Easygard Mobile Amtgard

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Protection from Projectiles

Healer 4

Type: Enchantment
School: Protection
Range: Other
Incant: "I enchant thee with Protection from Projectiles" x3
Materials: White Strip
Effect: Bearer is unaffected by ammunition, thrown javelins, rocks, and throwing weapons. Engulfing effects from those objects, such as Pinning Arrow, do not affect the player
Notes: Equipment can still be affected by the above. Does not protect bearer against Magic Balls

Easygard Mobile Amtgard

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Wizard 5

Type: Verbal
School: Flame
Range: 50
Incant: "I call upon the element of flame to destroy thy belongings" x3
Effect: All shields and weapons carried or worn by the target player are destroyed
Limitations: Only affects shields and weapons carried or worn when the Verbal is completed
Notes: Pyrotechnics targets the player but affects their equipment. Immunities, resistances, and other protections will only protect the equipment from Pyrotechnics if they specifically extend to the equipment, such as Blessed Aura or Flame Blade. Abilities like Enlightened Soul, Protection from Magic, and Adaptive Protection (Flame) do not extend to equipment and thus cannot protect from Pyrotechnics