Easygard Mobile Amtgard

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Finger of Death

Wizard 6

Type: Verbal
School: Death
Range: 20'
Incant: "I call upon death to smite thee" x3
Effect: Target player dies

Easygard Mobile Amtgard

Menu Search


Anti-Paladin 6 Wizard 4

Type: Magic Ball
School: Flame
Incant: "The flame of fire is mine to evoke" x3
Materials: Red Magic Ball
Effect: Fireball will have one of the following effects on the object first struck:
1. A weapon hit is destroyed
2. A shield hit is subject to Shield Destroying
3. Armor hit with Armor Points remaining is subject to Armor Destroying
4. A player hit dies.

Easygard Mobile Amtgard

Menu Search

Flame Blade

Anti-Paladin 6 Druid 4

Type: Enchantment
School: Flame
Range: Other
Incant: "The element of fire shall infuse your weapons" x3
Materials: Red Strip and White Strip
Effect: Bearer’s melee weapons are Armor Breaking and Shield Crushing. Bearer and weapons they hold are Immune to Flame

Easygard Mobile Amtgard

Menu Search

Force Barrier

Wizard 1

Type: Verbal
School: Sorcery
Range: Self
Incant: "I shall not be harmed"
Effect: Player is Frozen for 30 seconds

Easygard Mobile Amtgard

Menu Search

Force Bolt

Druid 2 Monk 6 Wizard 1

Type: Magic Ball
School: Sorcery
Incant: "Forcebolt" x3
Materials: Blue Magic Ball
Effect: Force Bolt will have one of the following effects on the object first struck:
1. A weapon hit is destroyed
2. Armor hit with Armor Points remaining is subject to Armor Breaking
3. A player hit receives a Wound to that hit location