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Monk 3

Type: Verbal
School: Protection
Range: Self
Incant: "Sanctuary"
Effect: Player and their carried equipment are unaffected by hostile actions originating from within 20’. Must Chant "sanctuary". Player may normally end Sanctuary at any time by ceasing to chant, or by picking up a weapon with their hand
Limitations: Player may not activate this ability while they have any weapons in hand and cannot carry any weapons in hand during Sanctuary. Cannot carry nor affect game items or game objectives while in Sanctuary. Players in Sanctuary may not impede the play of other people in any manner, and must immediately remove themselves from any such situations they find themselves in. May not come within 20’ of a non-friendly base
Notes: If the player is voluntarily touching (other than blocking) or carrying weapons in any fashion (tucked under arms, tied to thongs, etc) at any point during Sanctuary then they may only voluntarily end Sanctuary within 20’ of a friendly base, and must continue chanting until there. Player is still susceptible to Phase Bolt and Phase Arrow

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Warrior 1

Type: Verbal
School: Sorcery
Range: Self
Incant: "Scavenge"
Effect: Repair one point of armor in one location, a shield, or a weapon
Limitations: Kill Trigger

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Sever Spirit

Healer 2

Type: Verbal
School: Spirit
Range: 20
Incant: "The spirits lay a curse on thee." x3
Effect: May only target dead players. Player is Cursed. Any Enchantments on the player are removed
Notes: Will always remove enchantments if successfully cast on a valid target, regardless of the player’s Traits, States, Immunities, Ongoing Effects, or Enchantments

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Shadow Step

Assassin 1 Scout 3

Type: Verbal
School: Sorcery
Range: Self
Incant: "I step into the shadows"
Effect: Player becomes Insubstantial
Notes: Caster may end this Insubstantial state at any time by using the exit incantation for Insubstantial

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Shake It Off

Warrior 5

Type: Verbal
School: Spirit
Range: Self
Incant: "I shall overcome"
Effect: Shake It Off may be activated at any time the player is alive, even while the player would otherwise be prevented from activating abilities by Stunned, Suppressed, or similar. 10 seconds after activating Shake It Off the player may remove from themselves one State or effect of their choice which was present at the time they activated the ability

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Wizard 4

Type: Verbal
School: Sorcery
Range: 20
Incant: "My power shatters thy body" x3
Effect: Target Frozen player dies

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Shatter Weapon

Wizard 3

Type: Verbal
School: Sorcery
Range: 20
Incant: "My power destroys thy [type of weapon]" x3
Effect: Target weapon is destroyed
Notes: The equipment, not the person, is the target of Shatter Weapon. The equipment is the only thing required to be within range and visible for this spell to affect it

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Bard 1 Healer 2 Wizard 1

Type: Verbal
School: Sorcery
Range: 20
Incant: "My power shoves thee" x3
Effect: Target player is moved back 20' in a straight line away from the caster. Works on Stopped players

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Silver Tongue

Bard 6

Type: Enchantment
School: Sorcery
Range: Self/Touch
Incant: "The seething sea ceaseth and thus the seething sea sufficeth us" x2
Materials: Yellow Strip
Effect: Bearer gains Swift 1/refresh Charge x3. Other sources of Swift may not be utilized while Silver Tongue is worn
Notes: Does not use up any purchased instances of Swift

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Sleight of Mind

Bard 4

Type: Enchantment
School: Sorcery
Range: Touch: Others
Incant: "May thy power remain" x3
Materials: Yellow Strip
Effect: Enchantments worn by the bearer, other than Sleight of Mind, are not removed by Dispel Magic or similar Magic and Abilities. Does not count towards the bearer’s Enchantment Limit

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Snaring Vines

Druid 6

Type: Enchantment
School: Command
Range: Self
Incant: "The hands of the earth rise to your bidding" x3
Materials: Three Red Strips
Effect: Bearer may cast Hold Person by announcing "[Player] stop at my command." Bearer must remove an Enchantment strip after each use of Hold Person
Notes: Snaring Vines is removed when the last strip is removed

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Archer 6

Type: Archetype
School: Neutral
Effect: Player may physically carry any number of Specialty Arrows of each type. The frequency of each type of Specialty Arrow Ability becomes 1/Life Charge x3
Limitations: May not fire normal arrows

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Song of Battle

Bard 2

Type: Enchantment
School: Protection
Range: Self
Incant: "I sing of my legendary prowess"
Materials: No strip required
Effect: Bearer’s weapons are Armor Breaking. Bearer must Chant "Song of Battle" or sing a song regarding their martial prowess. Singing in place of the normal Chant is still a Chant and must follow all Chant rules

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Song of Deflection

Bard 4

Type: Enchantment
School: Protection
Range: Self
Incant: "I sing of my nimble acrobatics"
Materials: No strip required
Effect: Bearer does not receive Wounds from ammunition, thrown javelins, rocks, and throwing weapons. Bearer must Chant "Song of Deflection" or sing a song regarding their acrobatic prowess. Singing in place of the normal Chant is still a Chant and must follow all Chant rules

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Song of Determination

Bard 1

Type: Enchantment
School: Protection
Range: Self
Incant: "I sing of my unwavering determination"
Materials: No strip required
Effect: Bearer is Immune to Command. Bearer must Chant "Song of Determination" or sing a song regarding their determination. Singing in place of the normal Chant is still a Chant and must follow all Chant rules.

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Song of Freedom

Bard 3

Type: Enchantment
School: Protection
Range: Self
Incant: "I sing of my unquenchable wanderlust"
Materials: No strip required
Effect: Bearer can not receive the States Stopped, Frozen, or Insubstantial unless caused by the bearer or other enchantments they carry. Bearer must Chant "Song of Freedom" or sing a song of roving or rambling. Singing in place of the normal Chant is still a Chant and must follow all Chant rules

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Song of Interference

Bard 6

Type: Enchantment
School: Protection
Range: Self
Incant: "I sing a song of dark magic thwarted"
Materials: No strip required
Effect: As per Enlightened Soul. Bearer must Chant "Song of Interference" or sing a song about defeating/resisting the forces of magic. Singing in place of the normal Chant is still a Chant and must follow all Chant rules

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Song of Power

Bard 4

Type: Enchantment
School: Protection
Range: Self
Incant: "I sing to inspire my comrades-in-arms"
Materials: No strip required
Effect: Friendly players within 20’ of the bearer have their Charging Incantation repetitions divided by 2, rounded down, to a minimum of 1. Bearer is Stopped. Bearer must Chant “Song of Power” or sing an inspiring song. Singing in place of the normal Chant is still a Chant and must follow all Chant rules
Limitations: Players can only benefit from one instance of Song of Power at a time

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Song of Survival

Bard 5

Type: Enchantment
School: Protection
Range: Self
Incant: "I sing of my numerous close calls"
Materials: No strip required
Effect: When the bearer would otherwise die, they instead announce “Song of Survival” and become Insubstantial. The caster treats the triggering event as though it had no effect on them other than triggering Song of Survival. Song of Survival immediately ends and bearer must stop their Chant. Bearer may choose to return directly to their base immediately after Song of Survival activates. Bearer must Chant “Song of Survival” or sing a song regarding their many escapes from certain doom. Singing in place of the normal Chant is still a Chant and must follow all Chant rules
Limitations: Once Song of Survival has activated to protect the bearer it may not activate again on the same life
Notes: Bearer may end the Insubstantial state caused by Song of Survival at any time with the standard Incantation. If the Insubstantial State is ended by any means before reaching the base, the rest of the effect is ended as well

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Song of Visit

Bard 2

Type: Enchantment
School: Protection
Range: Self
Incant: "I sing to entertain friend and foe" x3
Materials: No strip required
Effect: Bearer cannot be Wounded and is Immune to all schools. Bearer is Stopped. Bearer must Chant "Song of Visit" or sing a song regarding their general good nature and friendly disposition. Singing in place of the normal Chant is still a Chant and must follow all Chant rules. When Song of Visit is removed player becomes Insubstantial and must immediately move directly to their base. Upon arrival, they must immediately end the effect as per Insubstantial
Limitations: Bearer may not wield weapons, interact with game objects, impede play, gain further Enchantments, or target any player
Notes: This Enchantment can be removed by Dispel Magic and similar Magic and Abilities

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Sphere of Annihilation

Wizard 6

Type: Magic Ball
School: Sorcery
Range: Ball
Incant: "The power of void is mine to evoke" x3
Materials: Black Magic Ball
Effect: Sphere of Annihilation will have one of the following effects on the object first struck:
1. A weapon hit is destroyed
2. A shield hit is subject to Shield Destroying
3. A player hit dies and is Cursed
Notes: Ignores armor. Enchantments which affect equipment, such as Imbue Shield or Harden, do not function against Sphere of Annihilation

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Steal Life Essence

Anti-Paladin 3 Healer 5 Wizard 5

Type: Verbal
School: Death
Range: Touch
Incant: "Steal Life"
Effect: Caster may heal a Wound or instantly Charge an ability
Limitations: May only be used on a dead player. That player is Cursed. Does not work on Cursed players. The caster does not gain the effect if the dead player is unaffected
Notes: In order to charge an ability, the name of the ability being charged must still be stated immediately after the incantation.

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Druid 2

Type: Verbal
School: Protection
Range: Self
Incant: "I take the form of stone"
Effect: Caster is Frozen. May end this State at any time by saying "the earth release me" x2

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Druid 3

Type: Enchantment
School: Protection
Range: Touch: Others
Incant: "May nature protect thee from all forms of attack" x3
Materials: White Strip
Effect: Bearer gains 2 points of Magic armor affected as per Ancestral Armor

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Bard 6 Healer 6

Type: Verbal
School: Sorcery
Range: 20
Incant: "By the power of white light I stun thee" x3
Effect: Target player is Stunned for 30 seconds

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Summon Dead

Healer 2

Type: Verbal
School: Spirit
Range: 50
Incant: "I summon thy corpse" x5
Effect: Target dead player may choose to go to the caster and then counts as though they had not moved from where they died. May be used on a dead player who has not moved from where they died or who is at their respawn

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Druid 6

Type: Archetype
School: Neutral
Effect: Each Enchantment purchased gives double the uses. Example: 1/Life Charge x3 becomes 2/life Charge x3, 2/ life becomes 4/life
Limitations: May not purchase Verbals with a range other than Touch or Self. May not purchase equipment beyond 2nd level

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Suppress Aura

Bard 4 Wizard 4

Type: Verbal
School: Command
Range: 50
Incant: "I command thee powerless" x3
Effect: Target is Suppressed for 30 seconds

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Suppression Arrow

Archer 4

Type: SpecialtyArrow
School: Sorcery
Incant: "Suppression Arrow"
Materials: Arrow with purple head cover labeled ‘Suppression’
Effect: A player struck by this arrow is Suppressed for 30 seconds. Engulfing

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Suppression Bolt

Wizard 2

Type: Magic Ball
School: Subdual
Range: Ball
Incant: "The strength of suppression is mine to evoke" x3
Materials: Purple Magic Ball
Effect: Target is Suppressed for 60 seconds. Engulfing

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Bard 4 Druid 4 Healer 4 Wizard 4

Type: Meta-Magic
School: Neutral
Incant: "Swift"
Effect: Magic and abilities require only a single iteration of the incantation. For multi-line Incantations use the last line
Limitations: May only be used on Magic and Abilities at a range of Ball, Touch, or Self. May not be used on the Charge incantation