Easygard Mobile Amtgard

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Magic Armada

Class Ditch Militia

Objective: Destroy the enemy Armada!
Teams: 2+
Lives: Unlimited
Respawn: 20 Seconds at Death
Refresh: Normal Refresh Rules
Players: 4+ per team
Equipment: Spellballs, Sashes matching spellball colours
Credited To: Indanago and Grin of Evermore Hollow (GP)
Tanks are built out of a single turret with spellballs, Elemental barrage and a body of one or more short and shield wielders. The components of the tanks must stay within arms reach of each other. The body acts as an extension of the turret. They may pick up spell balls and reload their turret, allowing them to continue the onslaught to try and destroy their opponents!

Infantry: As Class
Light Tanks: Blue Sashes, Force bolt only. 1 Turret, 1 Body. 3 Points magical armor
Medium Tanks: Yellow Sashes, Lightning bolt and Force bolt. 1 Turret, 2 Body. Slow. 4 Points magical armor
Heavy Tanks: Red Sashes, Fireball and Force bolt. 2 Turrets, 3 Body. Slow. 6 points magical armor (ancestral)

All Tanks are immune to Verbals. Medium and Heavy tanks are vulnerable to Entangle. If 2 or more Body players are under the effect of Entangle, they will collapse and be destroyed.

The number of tanks is flexible with the number of players. For balance’s sake, it’s recommended to play with more light tanks than medium, and more medium tanks than heavy. If the players making up a tank are scattered, the tank has ten seconds to regroup or be considered destroyed! (this allows for the body to gather spellballs nearby more effectively).

Easygard Mobile Amtgard

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Merlin's Ball

Class Ditch Militia

Objective: Score the most points and catch the Snitch to earn an extra 50 points!
Teams: 2
Lives: Unlimited
Respawn: 45 Seconds
Refresh: None
Players: 7 per side plus 1 Snitch
Equipment: 6 Baskets, a foam football, a yellow strap with Velcro for a tail
Credited To: Steven Leblanc
Merlin’s Ball is a cross between Phoenix League, Jugging and Quidditch.
Team Structure:
Teams are made up of 7 players, positioned as follows: Seeker (1 player), Chaser (3 players), Beaters (2 players), Keeper (1 player). Each position is responsible for the following:

  • Seeker- Catching the Snitch
  • Chasers- Scoring points with the Merlin’s Ball
  • Beaters- Cause mayhem, kill enemies
  • Keepers- Defend baskets. Restriction: Cannot touch ball outside crease
  • In addition, 1 player is the Snitch and is a game objective (no class)
Field Setup:
  • White Dots- Points Baskets
  • Green Dots- Keeper Starting Position
  • Blue Dots- Beater Starting Positions
  • Red Dots- Chaser Starting Positions
  • Yellow Dot- Seeker Starting Position
The Chasers on each team will attempt to score points in the opposing team’s baskets. Each point scored is worth 10 points. After each scored point, any players that are alive on the scoring team are considered out of game until they return to their side of the field. Dead players may stay in the location they died provided they have their hand or weapon on their head and have not moved from their location. The game ends when a player catches the Snitch by pulling the yellow flag off the player marked as the Snitch. Catching the Snitch earns the team an additional 50 points. The winning team is the team with the most points.
Dead players may either stay on the field and wait for a resurrection or exit the field on the closest edge. A player who dies and exits the field must return to the bench before a new player can take their place. Upon returning to the bench, they will tell the next player going in their position on the field. Before returning to the field, a player must count down the last 5 seconds of their respawn out loud. Any player may take a death at any time. Any player holding a ball when they die must drop it in place.
Notes on Chasers and Keepers:
Only Chasers may score the Merlin’s ball. Both Keepers and Chasers may move, grab, or throw the Merlin’s ball. Keepers cannot touch the ball outside their crease and must either throw it or drop it before exiting their crease. A Chaser holding the ball inside the crease IS VOLATILE. A Keeper who exits their crease while holding the ball DIES.
Notes on Beaters:
The only objective for a beater is to kill enemy players. They may not catch the Snitch or interact with the Merlin’s Ball.
Notes on the Snitch:
The Snitch is a game objective and is treated as an object like the Merlin’s Ball. The Snitch will have a yellow removable flag attached to them that the Seekers must pull off of them. ONLY SEEKERS MAY CATCH THE SNITCH. The objective of the Snitch is to run around the field and avoid being caught. Players may not hit the Snitch. The Snitch should be an unbiased person and actively avoid being caught. The Snitch enters the field and leaves the field as often as they wish, with the only caveat being they must exit the field along a side of the field they did not enter.

Easygard Mobile Amtgard

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Class Ditch Militia

Objective: To bring both scoring balls into the opposing team's zone
Teams: 2
Lives: Unlimited
Respawn: 60 seconds
Refresh: None
Players: 3+ per team
Equipment: Flagging tape, scoring items like stuffed animals, pylons, flags
Credited To: Ausric, Northern Empire
Teams start equidistant across the field with two Control Zones placed in the center of the field. Both Zones should be roughly 10ft x 20ft, placed right next to each other to create a 20ft x 20ft area. The Zone furthest from a team is considered their scoring area.

In the middle between the Control Zones and the Bases are two scoring items - these can be stuffed animals, pylons, flags, whatever is available - one for each team.

The goal of the game is to retrieve and place both items in your team's Scoring Zone. After a 60 second count, your team then scores one point. The game is typically played first-to-3, or the most points scored in a given time period.

Easygard Mobile Amtgard

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My Life For The Swarm


Objective: Protect your Swarm Mother
Teams: 2+
Lives: Unlimited, Swarm Mother: 5
Respawn: 60
Refresh: None
Players: 10+
Equipment: None
Credited To: TJ
Each team has a swarm mother, which is a standard class player with unlimited use of the enchantment Heart of the Swarm. Teammates may only spawn at their mother when they have it active. The Swarm Mothers each have a different respawn point determined ahead of the game. A team wins by wiping the other team or putting them in a condition where they cannot respawn. Large teams make this game more interesting.