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Kill Count (30 Minute Battle / Resurrection Game)

Class Ditch Militia

Objective: To kill as many players on the opposing Team as possible
Teams: 2+
Lives: Infinite
Respawn: 60 seconds
Refresh: None
Players: 3+ per team
Credited To: Iron Mountains
This is a timed scenario (typically 30 minutes, though longer is certainly possible), where each Team tries to kill as many members of the opposing Team as possible while staying alive.

As each player Respawns they report to a scorekeeper who tallies points for that players Team. At the end of the game, the team who died the fewest amount of times wins. Scores are added as players come alive (as opposed to when they die), to prevent any confusion with players being Summon Deaded out of their Respawn point.

Easygard Mobile Amtgard

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Kill Your Killer


Objective: To be the last player standing
Teams: 3+
Lives: Unlimited
Respawn: See below
Refresh: None
Players: Free-for-all
Credited To: Amtgard standard
All players begin the game equidistant apart. The game can be played with either Single Short restriction, or any Melee, depending on desire.

When a player is killed, they should remove themselves from play and take note of who killed them. If the player who killed them is in turn killed, they may return to play after calling "Alive" loudly.

The game only really ends when one player manages to kill all other players by them self, so that no other players come back to play when the last opponent is defeated.

Some variations exist where some throwies or spellballs are available on the field for use.

At a certain game size, this game will almost inevitably not end. It is usually best to set a time limit for the game.

Easygard Mobile Amtgard

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King Arthur’s Quidditch

Class Ditch Militia

Objective: Be the first team to score 50 points by throwing a ball through opposing team’s hoops
Teams: 2
Lives: Unlimited
Respawn: 30-45 seconds depending on number of players, 10 feet behind your team hoops
Refresh: When a player puts the "snitch" through an opposing team’s hoops that player’s team refreshes. All players return to their respawn points and spellballs are retrieved
Players: 8+
Equipment: Hoops (3 per side), 1 black spellball, 2 blue spellballs, red streamer, a ball (football, soccer ball, etc), field markers
Credited To: Steven Leblanc (Aeon Wulfsbane)
Field Size: 100 ft long x 60 ft wide. Middle hoop is placed at the 30ft mark on the line, and the crease goes 10 ft forward from this point and 10 ft to each side, forming a rectangle.

Each of end of the field has 3 hoops held up in the air by posts. They are spaced 4-5 feet apart, with the middle hoop being taller and about 4-5 feet behind the other two hoops. There is a 10’ x 20’ crease around the hoops that should be marked out with field marker or chalk.

Players attempt to put the ball through the opposing team’s hoops on the opposite side of the field. The two outside hoops are worth 1 point each, the middle hoop is worth 2 points. A player carrying the ball must have one hand free. A player holding the ball inside the opposing enemy’s crease is volatile. The ball can be thrown or passed, but must be dropped in place when a player dies.

Whenever a team scores, all living players including insubstantial players on the scoring team are removed from the game until they return to their side of the field (think basketball, they must go back to their side of the field before they can interact in the game). Dead players may stay where they are if they have not moved (so they can be resurrected at that location if they desire).

Upon the scoring of a point, the reeve releases the "snitch" The "snitch" is a Sphere of Annihilation with a red streamer or some other form of identification attached for identifying purposes and has swift (unlimited) and unlimited uses while it is in play. Any player can use the "snitch", so long as they know the incant (Swift, The power of the void is mine to evoke). After the "snitch" is released, if a team scores again or puts the "snitch" through an opposing team’s hoops, it is removed by the reeve until the next point is scored and rereleased by the reeve again. To release the "snitch", the reeve simply throws the snitch straight up in the air in the spot he is standing.

At the beginning of the game and upon each refresh, each team is given 1 blue spellball (Forcebolt), which has Swift (unlimited) and unlimited uses, that has a red streamer or some other form of identification attached for identifying purposes. Like the "snitch" any player can use these 2 spellballs as long as they know the incant (swift forcebolt).


  • Swift is only applicable to the specific game spellball incants
  • A player who goes outside the field dies

Easygard Mobile Amtgard

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Knock Over The Cone

Class Ditch Militia

Objective: To knock over your opponents cones
Teams: 6+
Lives: Unlimited
Respawn: 30 seconds for ditch/militia, 60 for class
Refresh: Every 3 points scored, the team with the least points gets a refresh
Players: Free-for-all
Equipment: Something to mark nirvana/starting point, 6+ cones (3+ for each team), things to mark terrain as desired
Credited To: Gymir (Eugene) for game idea, Balbanes for hula hoop varient
Each team has cones set up in some formation (preferably 20-50 feet apart). A point is scored when a team knocks over the opposing team's cones. A cone may be knocked over with a melee weapon (not thrown), thrown weapon (thrown only), spellball (thrown only), arrow (only if shot), shield (not thrown), or with hands or feet if done in a safe manner. Knocked over cones may be set back up if time allows.

Terrain such as water and bridges may be added as desired.

Variant: There is a hula hoop in the center of each teams' cones. To score a point, the opposing team must knock over the cones and have a player inside the opponents' hula hoop.