Seafood for Dinner

Class Ditch Militia

Objective: To retrieve as much seafood as possible
Teams: 2
Lives: Unlimited
Respawn: 60 seconds
Refresh: None
Players: 3+ per team
Equipment: Flagging tape, tokens for fish, bungee cord or rope
Credited To: Korderellin, Iron Mountains
In the center of the field, a rectangular area is created (sized based on the game, but examples include 20ft x 50ft and 50ft x 100ft), which represents the "Fish Tank." One team is a raiding party trying to acquire some fresh seafood for their employer, while the other team represents the tank's owners who are defending their stock.

Players on either team can capture fish (signified by pylons, tokens, whatever is on hand in quantity), or fight and defeat a kraken tentacle, and return it to their Base. Players must enter the tank (signified by crawling on their knees as if in a Water Terrain Effect) to retrieve fish tokens, which can be carried in a free hand and cannot be made unavailable (i.e. through Insubstantial or Frozen).

Fighting and defeating the Kraken tentacle will allow the player who killed the tentacle to grab a piece of tentacle (denoted by a bandana or flag) which can be returned to their base for points as well. Statistics for the tentacle are below.

Fish and Kraken Tentacles are removed from play once they are returned to a Base and counted for points, however, they may be stolen by the opposing team by killing the player carrying them while they are in transit.

For counting points, Fish are worth 1 point, and Tentacles are worth 5. The team with the most points accumulated by the end of the game (suggested 30 minutes) wins.

Kraken Tentacles:

Signified by two NPCs connected by a bungee cord or rope.

Weapons: Any melee; All weapons are considered Armour Breaking and Shield Crushing

Armour: None; Protected by three stacked Blessing against Harm enchantments each (T)

Immunities: None; Protected by an Enlightened Soul enchantment (T)

Aquatic: May move without penalty through Water Terrain Effects. One player must remain inside the tank at all times.

Connected: Both players must be defeated to earn a piece of Tentacle to score points.