Easygard Mobile Amtgard

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Class Militia

Objective: To kill the opposing team's Captain
Teams: 2
Lives: Unlimited, life pool
Respawn: 60 seconds
Refresh: None
Players: 3+ per team
Credited To: Amtgard standard
Players are split into two teams, and each team picks a Captain or King/Queen. Each Captain has a set pool of lives (typically 5-10), while everyone else has unlimited lives. The game ends when one Captain has no more lives left.

NOTE: This game can be very unbalanced if one team has the ability to repeatedly resurrect their King/Queen while the other doesn't. Common solutions to this is to give the King/Queen a suite of state and abilities - including Cursed. Monarchs being Cursed is not a perfect solution (as it prohibits simple Heals, and Greater Resurrects can still be unbalancing), but it at least can alleviate some issue.

Some variations also involve making the Monarch a Monster Class, or giving them special abilities beyond their normal class description.

Easygard Mobile Amtgard

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Ring the Bell

Class Ditch Militia

Objective: To ring the opposing Team's bell
Teams: 2
Lives: Infinite
Respawn: 15+ seconds
Refresh: None
Players: 2+ per team
Equipment: Marker for the bell such as a shield
Credited To: Amtgard standard
Each Team begins play behind their "Bell", which can be a medium sized shield or similar marker (each Team's marker should be equal in size). Players can Respawn behind their Bell after the prescribed Respawn count.

Ringing a Bell is accomplished by striking the opposing Team's Bell with a Melee weapon. Doing so scores the Team a point, and resets all players (not a Refresh).

In Ditch and Militia games, using a short (i.e. 15 second) Respawn count creates a very fast-paced game. As always, in Class games, the Respawn count should be at least 60 seconds.