Easygard Mobile Amtgard

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Objective: To heal as many stuffed animals as possible
Teams: 2
Lives: Infinite
Respawn: 25 seconds
Refresh: None
Players: 2+ per team
Equipment: Stuffed animals
Credited To: Wunjo
Scatter a large number of stuffed animals (or similar) around the field. Players earn points for their team by bringing stuffed animals back to their Base (which is also their Respawn point). In order to move a stuffed animal from its location, the stuffed animal must be successfully healed. Once healed, if the animal falls to the ground, it must be healed again. Stuffed animals may not be thrown, and must be dropped if the player carrying the animals is killed. Stuffed animals do not require a free hand. Once scored, the stuffed animals should be returned to the field on the opposing Team's side.

The most points scored after 20 minutes wins.

All players should play the Healer class during this game.

A variation of this game could be played where players may play any class - however, it would be difficult to balance, as only a few classes would be eligible to score points for a Team.

Easygard Mobile Amtgard

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Healer's Mercy (aka Ascli's Nightmare)


Objective: For the Healer to save their Charges, or for the Soldiers to stop the Healer
Teams: 3
Lives: 1 or Unlimited, see below
Respawn: See below
Refresh: None
Players: See below
Credited To: Finola, Northern Empire
To play this game, there must be five Victims and at least one Soldier for every one Healer. Victims are helpless Peasants who lay still in various locations throughout the field. They are "injured" until a Healer approaches them and successfully completes a Heal spell with them as the target. They remain in good health for a 45 count, at which point they become re-injured. Injured Peasants are encouraged to wail in agony.

Soldiers are slow moving and dimwitted - they continually move towards a Healer, but are only able to walk at a slow to moderate pace, and will only advance in the direction of an actively casting Healer (i.e. a Healer that is actively speaking a spell's incant). They will try to kill a Healer that gets within their range to the best of their ability. Soldiers are effectively Warriors with no class abilities. They have unlimited lives, and will respawn after a 60 count where they died. They may defend themselves at all times if attacked.

Healers are able to play their full class, with access to all spells. They must attempt to heal all victims, while not being killed by the Soldiers. They may defend themselves as necessary, and may choose to attack the Soldiers pre-emptively if they wish. Healers have 1 life each.

The game is over either when the Soldiers kill all Healers, or when all victims are in good Health.

Variations on the game, adjusting for difficultly, include adjusting the time when a Peasant becomes re-injured, or by adjusting the ratio of Soldiers to Healers.

Note that some high level Healer spells (such as Mass Healing) can make this game very easy to win for Healers. Take note of this when deciding who is playing what role in what game size.

Easygard Mobile Amtgard

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Class Ditch Militia

Objective: To hoard the most tokens
Teams: 2+
Lives: Infinite
Respawn: 60 seconds
Refresh: None
Players: 3+ per team
Equipment: Hula-hoops or equivalent, tokens (balls, coins, stuffed animals, etc.)
Credited To: Wunjo
Each Team has three scoring zones (hula hoops or equivalent) on their side of the field, one closer than the other (so that one zone is close to the opposing Team, one close to the friendly Respawn point, and one between them). A number of tokens (balls, coins, stuffed animals, etc.) are distributed between the zones.

In order to interact with a token, the player must cast Tracking on it. A Token must be carried in a free hand, and if dropped (such as when a player dies or is removed from play, as they are Game Objects) must be Tracking'ed again before being able to be picked up again.

At the end of the game, Teams score points for the number of Tokens in each zone (3 points for the zone closest to the opposing Team, 2 points for the middle zone, and 1 point for the zone closest to the friendly Respawn point). The Team with the most points at the end of the game wins.

All players should play Scout for this game.

A variation of the game could be played where players are allowed to play any class - however the requirement to Track the ball should be removed, or heavily considered when balancing Teams.

Easygard Mobile Amtgard

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Hoard of the Hyrda


Objective: Collect the Hydra's eggs
Teams: 2 and neutral Hyrda
Lives: Infinite
Respawn: 60
Refresh: Every 3 points
Players: At least 2 for hydra, then 6-7 for teams
Equipment: Hydra garb, something to mark the Hydra's nest, something to mark each teams' incubators
Credited To: Dorcas
There is a nest of eggs, guarded by a neutral hydra tethered to it. Rounds are 5 minutes, adjust as needed. Whichever team has the most eggs in their incubator at the end of the round wins the round and the eggs are returned back to the center. You may carry as many eggs as you wish, but if killed you must drop them all. You may steal eggs from the enemy incubator. The incubator should be near the spawn point for the team, but not the spawn point itself.

Easygard Mobile Amtgard

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Hold the Clock

Class Ditch Militia

Objective: Hold the centre clock
Teams: 2
Lives: Infinite
Respawn: 60
Refresh: At Reeves discretion
Players: 7+
Equipment: A Chess clock, if possible in a box, 50’ of rope
Credited To: DorcTristan Garnovichas
Two teams with a chess clock in the middle of the field, the goal is to hold the clock for as long as possible. There is to be a swamp zone around that game item which will be treated as waters/swamp that requires to be on your knees when in that zone. The swamp is to help players not to clump up around the game objective.
To maximize fun, set the clock in a wooden box, with holes on the top that won’t allow a strike surface to access. Even better if it’s a weight that is held in place on the switch, giving a visual marker from far away to know who holds the time.
Time on the clock to be set by a reeve, between 10 to 25 minutes is good. Warning that some clocks might require some babysitting to start, as not everyone is familiar with how it works.

Easygard Mobile Amtgard

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Hunger Rush

Class Militia

Objective: Collect the most food in the time period
Teams: 2+
Lives: Unlimited
Respawn: 60
Refresh: 15 Minutes
Players: 4+ Per Team
Equipment: 4-5 objects to represent food (Unused throwies work great)
Credited To: Darkcast - Neverwinter
You need at least three reeves for this game. Two scoring reeves that are by each base, and a field reeve that moves about the field. At the start of the game the field reeves are carrying all the food and the two teams are just fighting. Around 30 seconds in the reeve will announce "Food as spawned" and toss the food onto the field. To score a point a player must pick up a piece of food and bring it back to base. Food requires a free hand to be carried but you may run while carrying the food. The reeves will then toss the food out onto the field again periodically as the game continues. The team to score the most points after 30 minutes wins.