Goblin Bomb

Class Ditch Militia

Objective: To destroy the opposing team's base with one of the provided Bombs
Teams: 2
Lives: Unlimited
Respawn: 60 second death count, start counting at death, and come alive at Respawn Point
Refresh: None
Players: 3+ per team
Equipment: Flagging Tape, foam "Bombs"
Credited To: Korderellin, Iron Mountains
Each team has three circles or rooms in front of their Respawn Point, all of which constitutes their Base for the duration of this game. Two of the circles are considered "Structural Points" and the third (typically the center one if they are set up in a line) is the "Safe Room". Rooms/circles can be right next to one another, or a distance apart, as desired or dictated by game size. The Respawn Point should be kept at least ten to twenty feet away from any of the circle.

The center of the field has an additional circle which is called the "Reload Point".

Both teams start with one "Bomb" - this could be a foam representation or some other physical object. They can be carried in a free hand, and cannot be made inaccessible (i.e. Insubstantial, Frozen). A player can place a bomb in one of the opposing team's Structural Points, and say "Setting" x5. This arms the bomb, and sets the timer for 60 seconds. Once this timer is complete (should be counted by a Reeve), the bomb explodes.

A bomb that explodes within one of the Structural Points ends the game with a victory for the team that set the bomb (or, optionally scores them a point, and the game resets/refreshes). If the bomb explodes anywhere outside of a Structural Point or Safe Room, it instantly kills anyone within arm's reach.

If a bomb is moved to the Safe Room, and someone says "Defusing" x5, the bomb is successfully diffused and rendered inert.

Bombs that have exploded or rendered inert can be brought to the Reload Point. After saying "Reloading" x5, the bomb is considered active again and can be Set at a base again.

If a bomb is thrown or rolled, it instantly explodes.